Maintenance Division



Maintenance Division of the State Printing Corporation is responsible for ensuring the maximum availability and quality of all machines, lines, buildings and services required by other sections of the factory for the performance of their functions.Not only that, we are expected to do all the above at the lowest possible cost in terms of material, machinery and personnel.we have a solid methodology in place to efficiently manage all the moving parts and activities involved in the maintenance of a factory.we use digitized systems for maintains our factory efficiently. we provide 24-HOUR Maintenance services for our factory.


Please feel free to contact us by post, telephone or Fax.Our opening hours are 8.30am to 4.15 pm Monday to Friday.

  • AddressPanaluwa,Watareka,Padukka

  • Phone: 0777395506 Ext : 234,253

  • Email:

  • Web: